Subaio Explained

Understand the ins and outs of subscription management.

Do you want to know what subscription management is all about? Everybody’s talking about it, but what is it? Let’s dive a little bit deeper into what it actually is…
Not only the bank customers benefit from subscription management, but also the banks. In overall terms, there are three major benefits of subscription management to banks.
So first off, we’ll define how a subscription even works. To get out of a subscription you need to cancel both the payment and also the contract.
The way that we detect recurring payments is through data. So we need a lot of data to do this and we work on transactional data that we get from the bank or straight from the aggregators.
The short answer is actually 3 hours! So it takes us three hours to be up and running within your banking environment, showing you exactly what the functionality of the subscription management system is going to be.
Many banks are now seeing their customers' challenges with subscriptions, which means that today we have a different dialog
Thomas Laursen
CEO & Founder - Subaio

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