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Nordea customers save big through subscription management service

The subscription management system from Subaio has already proven its worth with partner bank Nordea. Saving the bank’s customers almost 0.5 million euro the first three months.

Since November 2018 the customers from Nordea have been able to get a full overview of their subscriptions. They have also been able to track different changes on their subscriptions, and most importantly cancel the subscriptions that they don’t want anymore. All in an easy to use interface straight from the bank’s own app called Nordea Wallet.

“I’m really happy that we within just three months have helped our customers save almost 0.5 million euro. That will give more room in the daily economy and will help with a bigger transparency in the costs that the customers have on a day to day basis. ‘Abonnementer’ is a solution that makes it easy to be a customer in Nordea,” says Mads Skovlund who’s responsible for the private customers.

It’s the Danish fintech company Subaio which has developed the solution. The CEO, Thomas Laursen, is also happy about the positive development:

“It’s really great to see how Nordea’s customers are using our service. We’re constantly working to improve the solution to make it even easier for customers to get an overview of their economy,” he says.

 At the time of writing, the subscription management solution was only available to Nordea’s customers in Denmark, but the ambition was to spread it into the other Nordic countries.

“The subscription solutions is a really good example of how our fintech collaborations result in concrete customer solutions. We want to give all Nordea customers the possibility to use the solution and that is why we and Subaio are already developing the solution for the other Nordic countries,” says Mads Skovlund.

The current customer solution is available in Nordea Wallet and shows all types of subscriptions that are being paid by a card – that can be everything within music, software, food or telephony.

Get a personal demo of how the Subaio solution will work for your bank​
