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Subaio announces the establishment of a Commercial Advisory Board as a key part of its growth strategy for Europe from 2024. This move is an important part of efforts to strengthen Subaio's position and support the company's extensive plans to scale in key European markets in the coming years.
Through a new partnership with the fintech company Subaio, BEC banks get access to a new, time-saving credit solution.
Master how to avoid subscription disputes with clear communication, flexible options, and responsive support, ensuring a seamless customer experience.
Unlock the secret to making loan applications easier through in-depth credit checks and banking insights for a smoother financial path.
How personal can banking get? From special promotions to Netflix-like recommendations, banks and financial institutions are embracing the hyper personalisation trend to best tailor to their customers' unique needs.
Joining forces with Subaio, Mastercard now offers simple, secure way to identify and unsubscribe from recurring payments via banks’ trusted apps and online servicing.
Subaio is where financial innonvation meets good vibes.
Jacob Jørgensen
Senior MarCom Manager - Subaio

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